The traditional meaning of the word "queer" is "strange". One can use the word to mean strange, without offense, if the word is applied as originally interpreted: "It was a queer day; the sun rose and set over an ominous layer of gray clouds that never seemed to part."
But somewhere along the way, the meaning of the word as applied to homosexual orientation derived. To refer to someone with that orientation as "a queer" or that he/she is "queer (it's more often applied to male rather than female homosexuals for some odd reason) is considered derogatory, crass, and hateful.
But somewhere along the way, the meaning of the word as applied to homosexual orientation derived. To refer to someone with that orientation as "a queer" or that he/she is "queer (it's more often applied to male rather than female homosexuals for some odd reason) is considered derogatory, crass, and hateful.