
Can Kids Under Age Should Drive At Age 14?


12 Answers

Winter Profile
Winter answered
Kids under the age of 14 should not be able to drive. I don't believe a 7 year old should be behind the wheel of a car. I think 15 is the perfect age to begin driver's training because this is the year most children/teens get a taste of real life and making decisions for themselves.
Tumble TnT Profile
Tumble TnT answered

I think that kids under 14 should not be able to dive because it could. Be very risky. And even if you have driven a tractor or a go-kart, its nothing like a car. So if you have driven tractors or go-karts for a long time when you are still young, it still is not like a car. A wheel in a car is much more sensitive, so if you turn it a little, the car will definitely turn. I have driven a go-kart and its nothing like a car, you have to turn the wheel a lot more to turn a curve, but not in a car.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Lol well I'm 15 and I drive perfect....take the drug test and then take the test...but the new rule is at 17 yrs they can have a real license.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't think that under 14 is good but AT age 14 because by then they are starting to become more responsible
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My son first started driving at age 4 by himself in an automatic car. He is now 11 and does show for me in a monster 4x4. Farm kids all start driving at age 8 years old
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
thanked the writer.
Joe Brant
Joe Brant commented
At age 13 you should be able to but under that no I'm 13 and I'm one of the most responsible people i know... Honestly.
Anonymous commented
no maybe 141/2 that is a good age
yeanelly murillo Profile
No because legally you could get your liscence at the age of sixteen. Plus they are inmature, not responsible. They get distrascted by txting, talking on the phone , music like rock, video  games and they consetrate more on what they are doing instead facing the road... Plus  drive-bys are commited by teens. You do not need to have a liscence to commit these drive-bys. So I think that kids age 14 should not drive until they have more knowledge in what their going to do.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think 15 is the right age,  any age below 15 should not drive because they don't know what responsibilities they have to take care
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I think if they are old enough to have sex they are old enough to drive,
thanked the writer.
trevohn coley
trevohn coley commented
I started driving a BMW 525i touring wagon in 1994 at 13 to drive to junior high just because i looesk very mature behind the wheel of a car eventally I got pulled for going 16 over the speed limt which was 65 but the cop was very kind to let me go home after that i got my license at 17.Im not telling kid to go out and do what i did because not having experience will get you kill for trying to drive your mom and dads car from point a to point b.

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