
How Can You Create Difference Between Paraphrasing And Reflective Statements?


4 Answers

abdul rehman Profile
abdul rehman answered
Paraphrasing focuses on the content rather than the feelings. Paraphrasing restates the essential part of the message concisely in your own words. Listen for the main ideas and the direction of the message and mirror the content to the speaker.
Paraphrasing helps to achieve accurate understanding of content. The speaker either agrees with your summary or disagrees and can then phrase the message. For example; such as ' You're saying that…' or 'I see, you would say that…' help you to paraphrase the message. If you phrase, avoid repeating the other person's statements word for word.
Paraphrasing is useful at work to confirm instructions or information before you take action. Whether at work, or in other situations, paraphrasing is a very effective way of indicating to the speaker that you are concentrating on the message.
But reflective statements are when you reflect feelings by expressing, in brief statements, the essential feelings you receive from the message. This helps the speaker to focus on them. For example, to reflect feelings from the message, 'I thought I would have got that last promotion. Seems like I miss out every time', the listener replies, 'It's really discouraging' or 'You feel discouraged' or 'You seem to be feeling discouraged'. This lets the speaker know that you understand their feelings.
Florio Potter Profile
Florio Potter answered

Reflecting is showing the client that you have ‘heard’ not only what is being said, but also what feelings and emotions the client is experiencing when sharing their story with you.

Paraphrasing is repeating back your understanding of the material that has been brought by the client, using your own words. A paraphrase reflects the essence of what has been said.

We all use paraphrasing in our everyday lives. If you look at your studies to become a counsellor or psychotherapist, you paraphrase in class.

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Michael R.  Saunders Profile

Paraphrasing is when you express the meaning of something written or spoken using different words.

This skill is a very powerful technique to increase not only your vocabulary but also your coherence, fluency, grammar, and even pronunciation. Now string those together and you have a well-rounded speaker of English.

However, paraphrasing isn’t always easy because it involves a lot of language processing. Luckily, I have come up with 8 resources to help you in writing articles using the simple steps to help you achieve the perfect paraphrase. While paraphrasing is too easy as same to post on social media same time.

Christopher Adam Profile
When you are paraphrasing in an essay, all you are doing is restating what someone else has written or said, but in your own words and in a summarized form. Whenever you paraphrase, you need to be certain to properly cite the source of your information, otherwise this can count as plagiarism.

Your essay will be far stronger if you rely more on reflective statements than on paraphrasing someone's work. The key difference between paraphrasing and reflecting on someone's work, is that in the latter you are expected to discuss ideas, read between the lines, draw conclusions, include your own interpretation, question the author's statements and state that, which is not obvious of self-evident in the text. In short, reflective statements show the reader that you are able to engage the material, and not just restate what someone else has written. Although being able to paraphrase effectively is a good skill to have, any written assignment should always be based much more on reflections, than on mere summaries.

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