
How Did Chief Sitting Bull Die?


10 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Chief Sitting Bull died in a way that you can be sure you are going to remember. He was shot during a confrontation with the police whom he had disagreed against a treaty that they had been trying to put in place for years. Chief Sitting Bull was one of the most important Native American's and he played a very important role with regards to the reservations that they had to leave on.

He was very well known amongst the police officers and was hot dead in front of his son and many other people when he was involved within a scuff with the officers which came to arrest him. Although he age was unknown it is thought that he was around the age of 60 when he died and his son succeeded him after his death. There is much information on the internet about his life and what Chief Sitting Bull did when he was leader on the reservations.

This can ensure that you have an informed view with regards to why he did and if it was fair. You can also make an education decision as to whether or not you agree with the reservation process and if you think that Chief Sitting Bull was right to lead his people and remain in conflict with the western police who watched over them.

Although many think that he died in a way which didn't show him much respect for what he did, you can make your own decision on the subject and come to a conclusion with regards to if you think that it was a mistake or if it was the right way to end all of the commotion which had been taken place over the years that he was the leader of.
Shelagh Young Profile
Shelagh Young answered
Chief Sitting Bull died on 15th December 1890 in a scuffle with officers who had been sent to arrest him. He was shot and his son Crow Foot died alongside him. Chief Sitting Bull was thought to be around 60 years old at the time although his actual date of birth is not accurately recorded. The arrest was ordered because there were fears that Sitting Bull was fomenting dissent amongst Native Americans and threatening white settlers by espousing the traditional Ghost Dance as a means of driving white settlers away. His beliefs were strongly held, possibly as a result of his training as a young man to be a traditional medicine man. His body was buried in a military cemetery in North Dakota. The Sitting Bull monument can be seen at Fort Yates today and a local college is named in his honour.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Um, he first got shot by lt.bullhead and one of his own, lakota people shot him.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
He was in jail and his people tryed to get him out and they got cought and the cops said" I will kill him if you take one more step. They tryed to talk to the cop and they took 1 step and the cop shot him 2 times
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi, Just watched the film bury me at crooked knee, sitting bull was allegedly shot by an armed guard who came under attack from sitting bulls fellow detainees in the so called reservation, their rations were steadily being cut so sitting bull was doing his dance as a medicine man with tribe reservation manager became concerned and called in the trigger happy troopers, if you haven`t seen this film watch it then see if you`d cheer on the cavalry in the next hollywood fairytale. Best meanings Will from the kingdom of fife. [ now native indian sympathiser]
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
He was getting arrested but got away then the police shot at him and got him in the head
Jennifer McDonald Profile
Taken to jail for horse thievery and one of his own men shot him because they were going to hang him and he didn't want to die by their hand.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
He Got Dead Lol..
I'm Researching On Him Now For An  English Class..An Its Kinda Hard..
I Really Didnt Hear About Him Throughout My Childhood..But Herd His Name Here And There..But Now That I'm Researching Him..Its Hard, Especially For Me..I'm Also Native American (Blackfeet)..And The Crows Don't get Along With Us Lol..well I Just thought Id Let everyone Knw What I Was Doing. Well Have A Blessed && Grateful day!!

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