Multiply any fraction by 100 to turn it into a percentage. Percent = 'of 100'.
8/5 of 100,
8/5 x 100
1/2 x 100 = 50 [%],
33/100 x 100 = 33 [%],
24/17 x 100 = 2400/17 [%]
= 141 [+] 3/17 [%],
Therefore 8/5 as a percentage is: 8/5 x 100 = 160%
= 1 [+] 3/5.
8/5 of 100,
8/5 x 100
1/2 x 100 = 50 [%],
33/100 x 100 = 33 [%],
24/17 x 100 = 2400/17 [%]
= 141 [+] 3/17 [%],
Therefore 8/5 as a percentage is: 8/5 x 100 = 160%
= 1 [+] 3/5.