How To Check My Result Or Exam In


26 Answers

Babz Bell Profile
Babz Bell answered
Firstly can I just clarify that by NECO you are referring to the National Examinations Council, an organization formed in 1999 in Nigeria?
From what I can gather, to check the result of the NECO exam you took you will have to purchase a card to access an eight-digit Personal Identification Number or PIN. As each PIN is unique and can only be used to check one result (although you can check this result up to five times), I cannot provide you with one that will be guaranteed to work. You can purchase said cards from all NECO shops, keep an eye out for the logo.
If you cannot find a NECO shop, then I would recommend giving them a ring on one of the following numbers 08069232760, 08052218069, 08052218070, 08126886938, 08126886939, 08189342653 or 08189342754, or emailing them on or
Remember that you also need to have at hand examination type and examination number at hand to find out your results on
Did you know that you can receive your result via text message (SMS)? You need to send them a SMS in the format below:
To short-code 32327 (MTN, Celtel & Glo subscribers)
For example:
Note: Ensure you adhere strictly to the format above. There should be no space in the message. Wait for your result to be delivered to your phone via SMS. (SMS Cost N30 Only)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Tochiba Atuegwu Profile
Tochiba Atuegwu answered
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Go to, click on the link by the far left and key-in your pin number and your exam number.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I want to check my necogce result
Amanda Wells Profile
Amanda Wells answered
There is an online results service for which you need a PIN - instructions are given in the website. If you have any problems using this service, you could contact the Nigeria NECO and, if necessary, use the contact information on this site to try and get in touch with someone from the council by phone or email.
Amanda Wells Profile
Amanda Wells answered
To get reliable information about this you should go to the official NECO website and look under the Examinations tab. If you can't get information there about where to look for your results, you can use the Contacts section to get the phone or email details of someone from the Council, who can advise you about how to get your results.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
By buying sreach card at neco office, go to internet and visit their website

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