Can i see the jsce neco result for cherryfield college?


2 Answers

Meg Hayes Profile
Meg Hayes answered
It is not usually possible to check any examination results for colleges or schools over the Internet unless maybe if you are a student or teacher there.

If you wish to find out the results for a certain college for any reason, then you should try getting in touch with the college's administration office to see if they can put you through to anyone who can help you.

Depending on your location and time availability, there are several ways that you can get in touch with Cherryfield school.

• You could give them a call at either this number: +234 (0) 703 050 1521 or +234 (0) 803 098 2979.
• You could email the school at
• It is also possible to get in touch with the principle directly. The current principle of Cherryfield is Mrs Olga Igbo. Her email address is and her personal office number at the college is +234 (0) 703 707 3858.
• You can also send the school a message directly using the box that is available on their website. You can access Cherryfield College's contact page through this link:

However, it may be possible for you to access sce Neco Results as there are websites on the Internet that claim to allow you to see these results. One of these website can be found through this link: To check the results you will need:

• The registration number.
• The examination type (selected from a drop down box).
• The year of the examination.
• The individual PIN.

This information should be stated on a card received if you have recently undergone examinations however this PIN is only valid for one examination results and can be used to check results up to five times.

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