
How Do You Change Point-slope Form Into Standard Form?


1 Answers

Oddman Profile
Oddman answered
This might be one way to do it. Start with point-slope form   y = m(x - x1) + y1   y = m*x - m*x1 + y1   -m*x + y = -m*x1 + y1   m*x + y = m*x1 - y1    If m, x1, y1 are positive integers, this is standard form. Otherwise, the equation needs to be multiplied by the LCM of the denominators of the fractions, and the signs adjusted so that the coefficient of x is positive.  Example   Slope = -1/3, point = (1/3, 3/4)   Using the above formula, we have   (-1/3)x + y = (-1/3)(1/3) - 3/4 Multiplying this by -36 gives   12x - 36y = 4 + 27   12x - 36y = 31   (standard form)

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