Two Numbers Are In The Ratio 2:3 And Their Sum Is 125. Find The Number?


4 Answers

deepak meena Profile
deepak meena answered
The answer of this question in this manner.

2 *25 = 50
3 *25 = 75
Total =125

125 is the correct answer of it.
chenghui guo Profile
chenghui guo answered
X/y=2/3,x+y=125,x=2/3y,2/3y+y=125,2y+3y=375,5y=375,y=375/5=75,x=2/3*75=50.So the answers are 75 and 50.
Vin Ginge Profile
Vin Ginge answered
If the numbers are in the ratio 2:3 then there are 2 + 3 = 5 parts in total.
125 ÷ 5 = 25.
The 1st number has 2 parts = 2 x 25 = 50
The 2nd number has 3 parts = 3 x 25 = 75.

Answer Question
