A simple way is to turn your percentage into a decimal (35% is 35 parts of 100,or the same as 0.35) then multiply 12.60 times 0.35 to get your result.
Divide the number by 100. You do this step to divide your number up in to 100 equal parts. When you do this step, you get 1% of the number. Next, multiply that answer by the percentage you're trying to find.
Find 35% of 12.60:
1. Divide the number by 100 (to get 1% of that number):
12.60/100 = .126
2. Multiply that answer (.126) by the percentage you're trying to find (35) since you want to know 35%, not just 1%:
So the equation for your problem is this:
.126 X 35 = ?
Find 35% of 12.60:
1. Divide the number by 100 (to get 1% of that number):
12.60/100 = .126
2. Multiply that answer (.126) by the percentage you're trying to find (35) since you want to know 35%, not just 1%:
So the equation for your problem is this:
.126 X 35 = ?
35% of $12.60 = .35*$12.60 = $4.4100 = $4.41
Percent means "per hundred" or /100.
35% = 35/100 = .35
"Of" means "times" in math. So "35% of 12.60" means ".35 times 12.60". We can carry the units of "dollars" through all of the operations without any problem.
Percent means "per hundred" or /100.
35% = 35/100 = .35
"Of" means "times" in math. So "35% of 12.60" means ".35 times 12.60". We can carry the units of "dollars" through all of the operations without any problem.