If you count the number of decimal places, it will tell you the fraction in its highest form.
If you have a number for example, 0.00045, count the significant numbers which is 5, then put the number in the form of a fraction - the number you have - 45 divided by 1 and the number of zeros corresponding to the numbers after the decimal place, in this example - 5 so your fraction is 45/100000
In your specific question, I'll deal with the first; 0.96
Decimal number - 0.96 Your number - 96 Number of significant numbers after the decimal point - 2 - fractioin of 100
So your fraction is 96/100
Normally you reduce fractions to their lowest available form, so if you divide above and below the line by 4
you get 24/25
You can get more excellent information of fraction here.
Just follow this procedure for the other two examples and you should be all set.