If 105 is represented as 253 in base 6,how is 253 represented in base 6?


1 Answers

Nathan Green Profile
Nathan Green answered
In base 6 you may only use the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.  The number 6 becomes 10. 
253%6=1, 253/6=42; 42%6=0, 42/6=7; 7%6=1, 7/6=1; 1%6=1, 1/6=0

Taking the answers of the modulus equations from right to left yields the correct representation of 253 in base 6: 1101.

To convert this back into base 10: 1*(6^0)+0*(6^1)+1*(6^2)+1*(6^3)=253.

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