The length of a rectangle is 8 meters more than its width. If the area is 65 square meters, what are the length and width?


2 Answers

John McCann Profile
John McCann answered
Area = length * width

65 meters2 = X * (X + 8 m)

65 meter2 = X2 + 8X

need the quadratic equation here

X2 + 8X - 65 = 0


(X + 13)(X - 5)
------as you see

X = - 13

X = 5
------keep as the width

X + 8 = 13

Width = 5 meters

length = 13 meters
Oddman Profile
Oddman answered
Integer factors of 65 are 5 and 13. These differ by 8.

The rectangle is 5 meters wide and 13 meters long.

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