
The length of a rectangle is 3m less than double the width, and the area of the rectangle is 44m square. What is the length?


4 Answers

John McCann Profile
John McCann answered

X(2X - 3) = 44

2X^2 - 3X - 44 = 0 ( Use quadratic equation--X = - b (+/-) sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)/2a )

a = 2

b =  - 3

c = - 44

X = - (- 3) (+/-) sqrt[(- 3^2) - 4(2)(- 44)]/2(2)

X = 3 (+/-) sqrt(361)/4

X = [3 (+/-) 19]/4 ( only use positive answer )

X = 5.5

======What is 2X - 3 ?

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

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