
How Do You Calculate Percent When Deling With Money?


1 Answers

Oddman Profile
Oddman answered
You calculate it the same way you calculate percent when dealing with any number. "Money" is just a number that has a currency symbol associated with it. Example   10%*20.00 = 2.00   10%*$20.00 = $2.00
Sometimes a question of this sort will arise because there is confusion about how to calculate percentages. A percentage is just a number with the decimal point moved over 2 places. Examples   15.% = 15/100 = .15   14.2% = 14.2/100 = 142/1000 = .142    (note the decimal point is 2 places left of where it was, and the % sign has been removed)  Often, you want to add or subtract a percentage of a price. You can use the above knowledge to do that a couple of ways. Examples   (sale price) = (original price) - discount*(original price)   (sale price) = $20.00 - 10%*$20.00   = $20.00 - 0.10*$20.00   = $20.00 - $2.00   = $18.00   Alternatively, we can factor out the original price to get   (sale price) = (original price)*(1 - discount)   = $20.00*(1 - 10%)   = $20.00*(1 - 0.10)   = $20.00*(0.90)   = $18.00    (total bill) = (item price) + (sales tax)*(item price)   (total bill) = $20 + 9%*$20   = $20 + .09*$20   = $20 + $1.80   = $21.80   Alternatively, we can factor out the item price to get   (total bill) = (item price)*(1 + (sales tax))   = $20*(1 + 9%)   = $20*(1 + .09)   = $20*(1.09)   = $21.80

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