A Rectangular Soccer Field Is Twice As Long As It Is Wide. If The Perimeter Of The Soccer Field Is 300 Yards, What Are It's Dimensions?


1 Answers

Nathan Corrie Profile
Nathan Corrie answered
The total perimeter of 300 yards is comprised of 2 x Length and 2 x Width.

Thus 1 x Length + 1 x Width = 300 / 2 = 150 yards.

If Length = 2 x Width, then the ratio of length to width is 2 : 1

2 + 1 = 3

Divide 150 by 3 to give 50 and then assign the ratio

Thus Width = 1 x 50

  Length = 2 x 50 = 100
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Thanks for the answer. Can you tell me what is the equation that you used?
Nathan Corrie
Nathan Corrie commented
Let Perimeter = P, Length = L, Width = W

P = (2L + 2W)

Therefore L + W = P / 2

L= 2W

Therefore P / 2 = 1L + 2W or put another way P / 2 = 3W

Therefore W = (P / 2) / 3


L = ((P / 2) / 3) x 2

Sounds horrendously complicated but quite easy with practice. Hope it makes sense !

Answer Question
