
How Do You Turn A Ratio Into A Percentage?


8 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
30% to a ratio
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A couple seek genetic counselling for a genetic disorder (cystic fibrosis). It is known to be present in both sides of the family. They both have a genetic test.
They have a child. The child does not have the condition. They are told that the odds of the child being a carrier of cystic fibrosis are 2 to 1.

Express this chance as a percentage
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
5:8 to percentage
jay jerome Profile
jay jerome answered

A:B = (A/B) * 100

If A = 3, and B = 4 ...the ratio will be 3:4 = 3/4 which is 0.75 as a deciman

Them you multiply (0.75) x 100 = 75%
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This is a good quetion and I'm glad you asked it. You see, you can't really turn it into a percent. It is just a decimal number. Once you fig

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