
Should Kids Be Aloud To Bring Electronics To School?


14 Answers

phoebe philofy Profile
phoebe philofy answered
Yes, they should, because of all the stress of having to turn in all the assignments and stuff... And you just need to have some fun, you know...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes because students at my school should I mean teachers do why can't we as long as it doesnt interfear with the students studies
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think so if they want to and you trust them then yes
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes I think it is a good idea
Jared Profile
Jared answered
Pro: We need to get used to it bec it is what the world is becoming
Con: Get distracted in class.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No, it distracts kids from their education and the learning of others. Only if they do not use it throughout school hours. Cell phones have been addicting to teens, one teen claimed, "I'd rather be stabbed to death, then lose my cellphone!" It is clear certain electronics are causing possible suicides for some teens being suspended from their battery powered toys. Class room computers, calculators, and transparencies or over heads are used as learning tools, they do not count!!
Oddman Profile
Oddman answered
School should engage their hearts and minds sufficiently that it isn't even an issue.

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