Hi exam question.. i would like to ask if you can pass the board exam (licensure professional exam) by luck? Im planning to take this year.. thanks in advance
Since it would be theoretically possible for an immortal monkey using a typewriter to produce a duplicate of one of the current extant versions of the bible, I would assume you might be able to do so by luck alone.
But what is the market value (much less the actual value) of a "Certified Professional Monkey?"
The point of professional licensing is to make sure those individuals are highly qualified in their fields. If you're too lazy to study and hope you can slide by .. You don't have a professional attitude IMO. I'm sure those tests are geared up to weed out people who haven't studied though. If the test is worth taking, it's worth doing your best to pass it.
If you can, it isn't much of an exam. Personally IMO, if that is your attitude towards getting your license, I think you should look for another profession. If you don't want to put the effort in to even getting licensed, what can a future client expect?