
What are the bad effects of Online fake college degrees and high school diploma certificates?


5 Answers

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

Umm... That they're fake? I don't think there's anything good about having fake degrees and diplomas.

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

Fake medical degrees could cause injury, permanent harm or death(s).

Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

Is there something that is confusing about the term "Fake" .. The obvious 'bad effects' would be it would annihilate any integrity you might have. Any thing gained by phoney credentials, will not only be stripped from you, but, you could potentially be charged with fraud.  Using a fraudulent means of gaining something (ANYTHING) reflects on one's character .. And not in a good way.

Not to mention that if you were to actually gain a position where the training that a real degree would involve is absent .. that means you could potentially cause very serious harm to someone .. which opens up a whole different level of problems.

Toxic Hairball Profile
Toxic Hairball answered

Diplomas aren't worth spit if you don't know the material. So I guess the biggest problem might be fraud, or humiliation or both.

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