
The Product Of A Number And 3 Is Twice The Sum Of That Number And 5. Find The Number.?


2 Answers

Katie Harry Profile
Katie Harry answered
Before we start solving this question, we should make an equation that describes this question:

Let's assume that the number is 'x'. Then, the product of the number and 3 would be 3x.
Sum of the number and 5 would be:
and twice this would be:
=2x + 10

Now, as the question says, the product of the number with 3 equals twice the sum of the number with 5. SO:

3x = 2x + 10

Let's solve for x:

3x = 2x + 10
3x - 2x = 10
x = 10

The number is 10.

To prove that it is 10, let's apply it to the question. The product of 10 and 3 is 30.
The sum of 10 and 5 is 15. Twice this value is 15x2= 30. Thus, we have proved that the product of the number with 3 (30) equals twice the sum of the number with 5 (30).

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