
What Is Literature Survey In A Project Work?


16 Answers

Liam Sheasby Profile
Liam Sheasby answered
A literature survey, or literature review, is a proof essay of sorts. It is a study and review of relevant literature materials in relation to a topic you have been given.

If you are studying business then it would involve business books written by reputable and experienced business people. You would then, having read them, summarize what you've read and then go on to explain the relevance of this to your topic. The literary review is produced from secondary sources, so is merely a thesis and your take on certain facts and trends.

  • What are the key aims of the survey?

The purpose of such a survey is for you to demonstrate to your employer or tutor that you are knowledgeable in the area of expertise that they require. You are proving to them that you are well read and aware of the relevant theories and practices in your field.

Furthermore, you are expected to be analytical of what these experts or writers say and then give a critique; do you agree with what they postulate or state and if so why, with the support of other figures or facts. If you don't then again why not.

  • How do I submit this survey?

Generally, such a survey is presented using a slide show of prompt points and any visuals - charts/graphs - you may want to display to your audience. It's usually a 20 minute presentation where you need to effectively and coherently demonstrate your understanding of the topic and make sure the audience can tell you have researched effectively.

  • What is project work?

Project work is any sort of assigned work. It can be a school project or an employment project. It is a task set to educate you on a subject, but also give you the experience of undertaking research work and handling responsibility.
Nouman Umar Profile
Nouman Umar answered
Literature survey is the documentation of a comprehensive review of the published and unpublished work from secondary sources data in the areas of specific interest to the researcher. The library is a rich storage base for secondary data and researchers used to spend several weeks and sometimes months going through books, journals, newspapers, magazines, conference proceedings, doctoral dissertations, master's theses, government publications and financial reports to find information on their research topic. With computerized databases now readily available and accessible the literature search is much speedier and easier and can be done without entering the portals of a library building.

The researcher could start the literature survey even as the information from the unstructured and structured interviews is being gathered. Reviewing the literature on the topic area at this time helps the researcher to focus further interviews more meaningfully on certain aspects found to be important is the published studies even if these had not surfaced during the earlier questioning. So the literature survey is important for gathering the secondary data for the research which might be proved very helpful in the research. The literature survey can be conducted for several reasons. The literature review can be in any area of the business.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A literature survey is the information of the background of a topic
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have taken three IE EE papers for reference of my project then in what way I can express my literature survey
Nouman Umar Profile
Nouman Umar answered
Based on the specific issues of concern to the manager and the factors identified during the interview process, a literature review needs to be done on these variables. The first step in this process involves identifying the various published and unpublished materials that are available on the topics of interest and gaining access to these. The second step in gathering the relevant information either by going through the necessary materials in a library or by getting access to online sources. The third step is writing up the literature review. A modern technology locating sources where the topics of interest have been published has become easy. Almost every library today has computer online systems to locate and print out the published information on various topics.

Global business information published articles in newspapers and periodicals and conference proceedings, among other sources are all now available on databases. Computerized databases include bibliographies, abstracts and full texts of articles on various business topic. Statistical and financial databases are also easily accessible. Computer hardware and software enable the storage, updating and display of information on global activities. Economic indicators and other data for various countries can be tracked easily. Statistical abstracts and the like now available on CD-ROM and on the internet, bring to the researcher all the information needed for research at the press of the appropriate computer keys.
Nouman Umar Profile
Nouman Umar answered
The purpose of literature review is to ensure that no important variable that has in the past been found repeatedly to have had an impact on the problem is ignored. It is possible that some of the critical variables are never brought out in the interviews, because the employees cannot articulate them or are unaware of their impact or because the variables seem so obvious to interviews that they are not specifically stated. If there are variables that are not identified during the interviews, but influence the problem critically then research done without considering them would be an exercise in futility.

In such a case the true reason for the problem would remain unidentified even at the end of the research. To avoid such possibilities the researcher needs to delve into all the important research work relating to the particular problem area. The following example will help to highlight the importance of the literature survey. In establishing employee selection procedures a company might be doing the right things such as administering the appropriate tests to assess the applicant's analytical skills, judgement, leadership, motivation, oral and written communication skills and the like. Yet, it might be consistently losing excellent MBAs hired as managers within a year although highly paid.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Literature survey is the most important step in software development process. Before developing the tool it is necessary to determine the time factor, economy n company strength. Once these things r satisfied, ten next step is to determine which operating system and language can be used for developing the tool. Once the programmers start building the tool the programmers need lot of external support. This support can be obtained from senior programmers, from book or from websites. Before building the system the above consideration r taken into account for developing the proposed system.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Improving the behavior of intelligent tutoring agent using sequential pattern mining
To conduct a literature survey, the first step is to select the medium or a place.
Then ask a series of questions to the people.
Observe the most frequent answer (and the second frequent answer)
and take it as the answer.

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