
Can You Find The Standard Form Of The Equation Of The Circle With Endpoints Of A Diameter At (2,3) And (-4,-5)?


1 Answers

Ellie Hoe Profile
Ellie Hoe answered
The length of diameter can be calculated by using formula;

d = [(x2-x1)2 + (y2-y1)2]1/2

(x1, y1) = (2, 3 )

(x2, y2) = (-4, -5)

d = [ (-4-2)2 + ( -5- 3)2 ]1/2

d= [ 100]1/2

d= 10

Radius = diameter / 2 = 5

The mid point of the circle can be calculated as;

M.P = [(x1 + x2)/2, (y2 +y1)/2]

M.P = [(2 - 4 )/ 2, (3-5)/2]

M.P = (-1, -1)

The standard equation of circle is;

(x-*-1)2 + (y-*-1)2 = 52

(x + 1)2 + (y + 1)2 = 25

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