What Are The Early Learning Goals In Foundation Stage Education?


1 Answers

elizabeth murray Profile
There are six early learning goals that cover the educational requirements of Foundation Education in the UK. They are broken into steps which begin being recorded in Nursery and carry through to the end of Reception. The steps are to be achieved by the end of Reception year, and are a clear guide of where the child had improved and where development is needed. They are delivered through a variety of media to encourage learning in all children. These include through sand and water play, books, role play and outdoor activities.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development concentrates on the social skills of children, ranging from their ability to dress themselves and maintain cleanliness, to their understanding of and interaction with familiar and unfamiliar adults and peers. Circle time can be used to address feelings and relationships.

The Communication, Language and Literacy section focuses upon a wide range of communication aspects, from pencil grip and writing simple words, to phonics, word pronunciation and enjoyment of reading. It also covers story sequence and recognition of character, theme and rhyme. It covers the basic stages that are required for competent communication in later life.

Mathematical Development covers all areas of mathematical skill and understanding. It includes counting through number rhymes and counting on through games. Simple arithmetic, and space, shape and measure are also investigated in a variety of contexts, often using the body as a guide. Sequencing is also an integral part.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World covers the humanities and so children are exposed to a variety of activities with historical and geographical contexts. These activities can range from small world play, to role play areas, songs and books.

Physical Development is not only games and sports, but also monitors and develops fine motor skills such as manipulation of materials and equipment including bikes, shoe laces and cutlery. It has an all round approach.

Creative Development is the development of hand eye coordination, material and tool manipulation and the experience of many different types of art and crafts. Planning and revision is also an integral part of the Early learning Goal.

The Early Learning Goals are meant to support each other. They overlap and interconnect to provide a solid foundation for Early Years education.

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