Whenever the denominator is 10, the fraction can be written as a decimal by moving the decimal place one place back on the numerator. Remember that in all numbers, we can assume a decimal at the end. For example, 5 is equal to 5.00 and 18 to 18.00.
Thus, 3 is also equal to 3.00. Since the denominator is 10, we move back the decimal by one place towards the left:
3/10 = 0.3
For 100, the decimal place is moved back two places and three places for 1000:
3/100 = 0.03
3/1000 = 0.003
Thus, 3 is also equal to 3.00. Since the denominator is 10, we move back the decimal by one place towards the left:
3/10 = 0.3
For 100, the decimal place is moved back two places and three places for 1000:
3/100 = 0.03
3/1000 = 0.003