I research many things before I make a purchase. I have had dogs in the past with health issues. One of them was repeatedly misdiagnosed and when I did the research and asked for a certain test he was finally correctly diagnosed. He had pancreatitis. Because it went on so long he had permanent damage done and had to be on managed care for the rest of his life and still had a couple of flairs each year.
Four years later he developed a tumor on his spleen and it was bleeding. The vet told me he had anywhere from a day to a month to live. I cried for the first couple of days, but then it hit me I was depriving him by not making those days special. Once I calmed down and did the research. I found there was an herbal supplement that some people were using. I started giving it to my dog. He lived for 20 more months. And almost everyday of them was a good day. His pancreatitis bothered hm more than the tumor.
10 answer in What are the importance of research in daily life?
what is the importace of research in daily life.
Importance of research in daily life (10)