
Does 1/3 Plus 1/3 Equal 2/3?


11 Answers

Sam Easterbrook Profile
Sam Easterbrook answered
Yes, one third plus one third does equal two thirds.

Think of it like this; imagine a circle. If you are going to split it up in to thirds, it needs three equal sections. So now, we have a circle split in to three thirds, which equates to one whole circle. So one third of this circle plus another third of it will be two thirds of the circle.

Fractions can be very difficult to get your head around when you first start to learn them, it is useful to have a diagram to help you out with your fractions. There are several websites out there that can help you to learn your fractions.

Another option, of course, is to speak to your math teacher about this. They will most probably be able to explain it to you better than me. If you can’t do this, why not talk to your parents about it? They will probably be able to sit down with you and help you to get your head around fractions.

Generally, though, when adding fractions, the bottom number stays the same and the top number adds up as normal. If the top number is more than the bottom number, though, then you have more than one whole. For example, if the fraction adds up to be five thirds, then you have one whole and two thirds of a whole. If it is six thirds, then you have two wholes.

There are lots of books out there to that will help you to do fractions. It may be worth investing in one of these if you continue to find yourself struggling with your fractions.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1/3 plus 1/3 equals 2/3 because if you add the numerators together which are the top numbers, then you get 1 plus 1 =2 and the denominator would stay the Same which would make it 2/3
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes, because the denominator (the bottom one) stays the same, all you do is 1+1!

Its that easy!!!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1/3 + 1/3 = 1+1/3(common)
               = 2/3
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes you are correct - well done.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes because the denominator stays the same(3) and then you just add the top numbers but the denominator has to be the same..
d ds Profile
d ds answered
To add both these digits you can first take common factor in both these fractions and then add up 1 + 1.
You can also solve 1/3, which is equal to 0.333 and then add them both.
Here is it solved:
1/3 + 1/3
1+1 / 3 [Here Three is taken as common]
Another solution is 1/3 = 0.333, Thus 0.333 + 0.333 = 0.667

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