20*(log(128/2)/log(2)) gives 120 years
How strenuous is the babysitting work they make you do? 12 years old is not an uncommon age for people to start babysitting for others. The difference is though, if you receive verbal/physical abuse or the babysitting work is unnecessarily tough, then it may be abuse.
So with lucid dreaming there's loads of techniques, but the one I do is look at my hands every time something crazy or interesting happens in real life. I focus and my palm's skin texture, the fact I have ten fingers and they all look normal. That is one type of reality check.
There's also other … Read more
Yes and no. I'm a girl, my favourite subject is IT. There are only 3 girls in the entire cohort that does IT. I also like Health, there are only 5 boys in the health class. People could have a favourite subject based on how comfortable the environment of that class is. Students may not … Read more
It's pretty hard to tell by just that. He could be checking you out but then it could be a coincidence since you said he was standing at a weird angle. You should observe him more. If you see him again see if he does it again.
Essays are a way for students to showcase their knowledge in a particular topic, it addresses 3 different learning areas which is to recall information learnt, evaluate that information, and propose new thoughts and ideas themselves based on the analysis of what they've learnt.
I've been the captain of my High School's debating team for 2 years and counting, and one of the most interesting topics that aren't cliche include "Should schools ban uniform?", "Should citizens have the right to stay at home to defend their belongings during natural disasters?" You could also challenge yourself and write a persuasive … Read more
Everyone wants to be free from negative feelings so yeah, I'd like happiness for Christmas
Yes, that sounds like textbook anxiety to me. I have major anxiety and it sounds a lot like what you described, and it has affected my sleeping patterns as well.
What you have is not a clear understanding of yourself. The only people you need to care about what they think are your family and loved ones, and your employer. And sometimes even your family is questionable. Some people have families that are toxic, and therefore their opinions really don't matter. Wasting time, energy, and … Read more
yeah, it's a bit of a stretch. But preference varies from person to person. Should be extra careful about men that date younger girls.
I have 2 pet ducks and they play tag and sometimes just chase me
You need to convince your teacher that Minecraft would work just as well (if not better) than Sims, and give your reasons.
It would be best to appoint … Read more