
Can Anyone Convert The Number 100100 From Binary Number System To Decimal Number System?


1 Answers

eye3 light Profile
eye3 light answered
100100 = (1×2 power 5) + (0×2 power 4) + (0×2 power 3) + (1×2 power 2) + (0×2 power 1) + (0×2 power 0)
= 32 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 0
= 36

To convert binary number system to decimal, multiplied each number or digit to the base (2). and from right to left put the power on base(2) starting from 0 to on word and add each digit as here you can check it. Like in this example 100100 you have to multiply each digit with the base 2 and power on the base 2 starting from 0 to the 5 . each time you can check that power will be the n-1. n is a total digit in the number. Here 100100 consist of 6 digits. So power of base will be end to 5. now add all the sum. Wow here is answer.
(1×2 power 5) here 5 is power of 2.

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