If you devide one foot (1.0) by inches in a foot (12), it will give you a base number per inch. (1.0 / 12 = .083)
multiply this number per number of inches to find out the correct decimal.
I will make it easy for those looking for a quick answer.
1”=.08’ 4”=.33’ 7”=.58’ 10”=.83’
2”=.17’ 5”=.42’ 8”=.67’ 11”=.92’
3”=.25’ 6”=.50’ 9”=.75’ 12”=1.0’
multiply this number per number of inches to find out the correct decimal.
I will make it easy for those looking for a quick answer.
1”=.08’ 4”=.33’ 7”=.58’ 10”=.83’
2”=.17’ 5”=.42’ 8”=.67’ 11”=.92’
3”=.25’ 6”=.50’ 9”=.75’ 12”=1.0’