How Do Teachers' Instructional Goals And Activities Define The Physical Environment Of The Classroom?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
One almost needs t know the context in which you have been studying this to know what is being looked for in this question, but here are some basic thoughts.      A few examples of how the teacher's goals/objectives for learning can define the physical environment of the classroom:    If the teacher aims to increase collaboration, seating of students might be arranged so that discussion and verbal exchange is encouraged (circular rather than all students facing front, for example)    If educational goals and activities include increasing the ability of students to visualize/use visual sensory information for learning and retention, the teacher might include lots of visual cues throughout the classroom which can be used during the lesson (charts, pictures on walls, using bright colors and tangible objects in the classroom as examples in lesson and to illustrate ideas, etc)    If goals and activities are to increase the attention span of students (i.e., for ADHD students), she might limit external stimulus (both visual and auditory) in the physical classroom/environment.    These are a few ways.  I hope this helps.  Was the B- grade about your ideas and content or perhaps about writing style?  Maybe your teacher can help answer that for you so you know how to approach it next time.    Anyway, I wish you the best.  Good luck. :)  _
Suhail Ajmal Profile
Suhail Ajmal answered
This subject needs detailed discussion. The must provide the student a welcoming environment so that they can have clear guidelines for their success. For a successful teacher, the following qualities should be present;
He should be Responsible
He should Be Clear and consistent
He should Be Guided by data
He should Be Approachable and humane

For detailed information about this topic, visit the following link.
Teacher's Qualities

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