
How Many Ways Can You Connect 4 Identical Resistors With A Resistance Of 5 Ohms?


1 Answers

balakrishnan Profile
balakrishnan answered
Four 5 ohm resistance can be connected in 10 different way as shown below.was there any way we can generalize this concept and find a formula to calculate the number of possible ways of connecting resistors if the number of resistors was given.

(5||5)+(5||5)=5 ohms
(5||5||5)+5=6.666 ohms
5+5+5+5 = 20 ohms
5||5||5||5 = 1.25 ohms
5||(5+5+5)= 3.75 ohms
5+5+(5||5)=12.5 ohms
(5+5)||(5+5)=5 ohms
(5+5)||5||5 = 2 ohms
((5+5)||5)+5= 8.333 ohms
((5||5)+5)||5= 3 ohms

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