The best way to envisage fractions is to grab a cake which you want to share with your friends. As you have rightly identified, one of the biggest ways to divide a cake is into two pieces, or halves. If you wanted to divide the cake into three equal slices for all of your friends, you would have a cake in thirds. Alternatively, if you split the cake once horizontally and once vertically, you would have quarters: Four slices for you and your friends to enjoy.
There is no limit to the amount of fractions that you can have: Fifths, sixths, sevenths and eighths are all commonly-used fractions in maths. In science, it’s not uncommon for you to find fractions such as one millionth of a second, and this is because the measurements have to be so precise to ensure that an experiment can be conducted accurately.
You should also bear in mind that fractions can be converted into decimals and percentages. For example, if you were to take one eighth and change it into decimal form, the answer would be 0.125. This is because you take one and divide it by eight to get your answer. To convert 0.125 into a percentage, the answer would be 12.5%. This is because the first two digits to the right of the decimal place represent the tens and units of the percentage.
Let’s imagine you wanted to find out what 0.04 was as a percentage. The answer would be 4%, and this is because 0.04 is 4% of 1.00.
If you’re having trouble getting your head around maths, there are plenty of courses you can take to get back on form. Once you’ve mastered how it works, it can be easier than you think!
There is no limit to the amount of fractions that you can have: Fifths, sixths, sevenths and eighths are all commonly-used fractions in maths. In science, it’s not uncommon for you to find fractions such as one millionth of a second, and this is because the measurements have to be so precise to ensure that an experiment can be conducted accurately.
You should also bear in mind that fractions can be converted into decimals and percentages. For example, if you were to take one eighth and change it into decimal form, the answer would be 0.125. This is because you take one and divide it by eight to get your answer. To convert 0.125 into a percentage, the answer would be 12.5%. This is because the first two digits to the right of the decimal place represent the tens and units of the percentage.
Let’s imagine you wanted to find out what 0.04 was as a percentage. The answer would be 4%, and this is because 0.04 is 4% of 1.00.
If you’re having trouble getting your head around maths, there are plenty of courses you can take to get back on form. Once you’ve mastered how it works, it can be easier than you think!