Where Can I Go To Get AR Test Answers?


54 Answers

Arianna Vaccaro Profile
Arianna Vaccaro answered
Accelerated Reading, or AR, test answers are not made available to buy or download.  Schools can purchase AR tests but the tests are marked by the computer and only the result score is shown.  You can only really get the AR test answers by actually reading the book that is being tested.

Accelerated Reading is a computer program made by Renaissance Learning and is used in schools to record and monitor students’ reading progress.  Students read a book from the AR list and then take one or more tests, often referred to as ‘quizzes’, which are designed to assess if the student has read and understood the book.

The tests are not made available outside of the AR program so cannot be viewed unless you have a valid AR account which will be given to you by your school.  However, if you would like to see a few example tests you can look at the Renaissance Learning website but, as with the real quizzes, you will only be able to view your score and not the correct test answers.

The AR system is proprietary software application and it is not in the interest of Renaissance Learning (or the schools using it) to make the answers available for students to learn in order to avoid reading the book.  In addition, AR may not provide the same test in all school districts and also gives teachers the option to create their own quizzes so learning answers by rote does not guarantee success.

If you are pushed for time and really need to pass an AR test, you may be able to read book summaries or synopses, which can be found using internet searches, but this may not give you sufficient understanding of the story and is not a long term strategy for improving your reading score.  The only certain way of knowing the answers to the test is to read the book properly beforehand.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well do you want to find the answers to the book the last song,by nickolas sparks?
1)is C 2)A 3)C 4)C 5)D 6)B 7)D 8)B 9)A 10)C   AND ILL GRANTEE YOULL GET A 100
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It is not smart because if you get caught, you would be in a whole WORLD of trouble, but find a free downloadable trial of AR, and take a test on a book you need points on, and if you get many many answers wrong you could click on, "Review answers I got wrong" and it will appear with what is not right and what is. Hope  this hellps! :() I DO NOT RECOMEND THIS AS AR MAY ChANGE THE QUESTIONS PER QUIZ.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can get it from www.ask ar test answers
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well while your taking the test make sure no one looking then quickly look in the book there {but I have friends that don't care if I cheat so yeah because my friends do the same thing there
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Reading wont work espically when it is the end of the year

cheating is good for right now
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Well, I know how to practice a quiz, and get everything right! So maybe you should include free info on this page

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know but I'm sure you shouldnt cheat you can get into serious trouble for that!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well if you want to get A.R test answers  you really should not cheat, so just go to the book read it until you memorize it and then just take the test. That or www. Myatesters.com or maybe you could get your friend to take the test then give you all the answers which is not at all  likely because a lot of friends don'tr like to cheat but I don't blame them. I hope you reach you goal and strive for excellence!!!  Hope I could help thank you goodbye!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This makes me wonder who it was in my class that posted this... Hm.. Lol, how about you read the dang book? Its not like its that hard, cheating, is only cheating yourself in the end, not saying you will amount to nothing, but there is that possibility..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You ask me:"Where Can I Go To Get AR Test Answers?

Then I ask you:"Where do babies come from.....?"
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Its easyuhhh read the book take the path less travel by it comes out great in the end I have306.7 because I follow these rules
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I thing you should do a bra instore and also put the events in other so you could understand the book
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Just go to www.ar test answers.com what grad are you in k 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Will Martin Profile
Will Martin answered
A whole lot of people have looked for this site, but nobody has found one yet. They wouldn't really post the answers if you think about it, because then nobody would read the books - which, by the look of it, is what you're going to have to do.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can go on foothill knolls elementary then click the first one then go on someones account like this is the user name ok bmarc password bm ok then you go to c my library then you can ask them for questions ok btiches
Robert Wilbur Profile
Robert Wilbur answered
I have 6 children, of the six children 5 of them are school aged. All 5 of them have to take AR test. The two youngest get the books read to them with the rest of the class. The other three have to read the books.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Seriously why don't you just take the test at home or something and then right down the correct answers on your arm or a piece of paper to cheat. Simple.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Uh what I always did was READ THE BOOK. They aren't that hard and are good for you too! In fact, It would be much easier to read the book then post this, and pray that someone tells you where to go.


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