
How Might Writing Summaries Of Key Concepts And Important Information Be Useful In Promoting Effective Learning And Remembering?


4 Answers

Meg Hayes Profile
Meg Hayes answered
Writing summaries of key concepts about any subject has always been seen as a useful and effective studying technique and is one that is used by many people. This method can also help people to learn by an associating method where they think of a keyword which then makes them think of other key information.

Below are some tips on how to write good summaries of key points.

  • Step one. Have a specific book or file that you use only for studying. Put the title of the topic at the top of the page and then proceed to write down keywords to with that topic. Beside these keywords, or in a spider diagram, write down the necessary information that goes with that keyword in note form.
  • Step two. It is important that you learn to adapt your studying style to suit different subjects. For example, some modules of chemistry is a lot more about learning equations whereas history is all about learning a lot facts. Although both require a lot of repetition to help the information sink in, you will learn each subject better if you adapt your style slightly.
  • Other studying tips.
This does not mean that summarizing key points is the only effective way of studying, because that is simply not the case. Every person learns and studies in a slightly different way so you should not pick up this method of studying if it is not right for you. If you are unsure what methods would be best for you, then you should speak to your tutor or personal tutor to see if they have any tips for you.

Could you also pay a visit to your departmental assistant who will be able to provide you with equipment such as flash cards or large colored pieces of paper to help you study in the way that is best for you.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Think that writing summaries of key concepts and important information may be useful in promoting effective learning and remembering because the key concepts given at the end of the chapter give the main points of information given in the chapter. In the key concepts if helps you outline the information that would need to be remembered within the chapter. By taking the time to write a summary of all the information that you have read and gathered in the key concepts plus the notes that you have taken yourself while reading the chapter will be useful in how you learn as you will become familiar quicker with the information that you have read in the chapter and have the key concepts information to help you re-iterate the information that has been read in the chapter. It will promote effective learning because it helps gives the students a refresher course on the material that is most important in the chapter that has been read.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This is a University of Phoenix/Axia college discussion question!!
Paul Caron Profile
Paul Caron answered

You are going to have to take the door handle off. I broke a key off in
my lock and this is what I did. I took the whole doorknob/lockset off
and I shook out the side with the key in it. 

It ended up just falling
out. Then I put the lock back in and I haven't had a problem since. No
clue why it happened but it's fine now.         

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