One meter equals about 39.37 inches write a function rule for converting inches to meters, evaluate the function for 59 inches?


2 Answers

Oddman Profile
Oddman answered
Your rule might be
  f(d) = d/39.37
where d is in inches and f(d) is in meters.   f(59) = 59/39.37 ≈ 1.4986
59 inches is exactly 1.4986 meters. The function rule returns a value slightly different from this.
John McCann Profile
John McCann answered
X inches (2.54 centimeters/1 inch)(1 meter/100 centimeters)

59 inches (2.54 centimeters/1 inch)(1 meter/100 centimeters)

= 1.5 meters

I just use the exact conversion; 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters and I can go anywhere with that.

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