I have found a form for you to register in the state of Kansas. However, the official rules of changing your CNA license to another state involve more work, so I want to tell you that first, in case I lead you into going about it the wrong way.
All this means is that you want Kansas to recognise the qualification and approval that you received in Missouri.
So this is what you need to do:
- Call the Nurse Aide Registry in Missouri and tell them you need an “Application for Enrollment By Reciprocity”, Also ask them if it should be sent to them or to the Registry in Kansas. The phone number for the Missouri office is 573-526-5686.
- Now call Kansas Registry on 785-296-6877 and ask them the same questions. Sometimes it is possible to fax the form directly to the new state so ask if this is the case. Be sure to get names of the people you talk to and direct phone numbers if possible.
- Ask them what documents you need to send along with your application, generally they ask for copies of the following:
- Social Security Card
- Drivers license (or other photo ID)
- Present State approval
- A recent pay stub or something to prove that you have been working in a nursing home during the past two years.
So that's the official process. However, as I said earlier, I have found a form on which to apply to Kansas, which may or may not be helpful. If I were you, I would call anyway to be sure, but you can find the form at http://www.kdads.ks.gov/HOC/Cert_Nurse_Aide/CNA_Interstate_form.pdf
I hope that helps, good luck with the move!