What Do Or Did Your School Reports Usually Say?


11 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I had no reports. There was a special notebook for our marks and anytime when we got a mark (1 to 10;    5 was the passing mark) we had to ask our parents to sign it and show it the very next day to the teacher . Those who didn't promote all classes, had to repeat the grade. The selections were during the exams (grade 8, grade 10, grade 12) when each time around 30 percent of students were allowed to continue the school grades. Those who didn't pass those exams were directed for work and that was the end of their student life.
Nowadays there are private schools, and all kind of options.
Chloe Brisco Profile
Chloe Brisco answered
Yer mine just usually show the grades am getting but at the end of the year the teachers usually give a sum up of how well am doing and say a bit on parents evening but never anything more that that  :)
Your Worst Nightmare Ever Profile
"Very excellent and hard-worker , keep up the good work!" and blah blah , when I was younger the teachers used to complain to me about how slow my reaction was , but now I've became faster by training :)
walter jedyk Profile
walter jedyk answered
Excellent very good work walter,keep it up.
John Profile
John answered
They never really talked. They showed a's,b's and c's depending on the classes.
Glenn Greenwood Profile
Glenn Greenwood answered
Could be doing better...I was never really stupid, but I just plain old didn't apply myself. I didn't care what kind of grades I got. The highest grade I completed was the ninth...at the age of 17, I got my GED with the equivalency of a 13.8 year education.
yarnlady Profile
yarnlady answered
I made straight A's all through elementary and middle school, but gradually became clinically depressed in high school, and my grades dropped. I only graduated with a 3.5, which was a disaster to me.

In those days nobody ever heard of 'clinical depression' and they thought I had the normal teenage blues.
Merlin Paine Profile
Merlin Paine answered
For grades 1 through 12....They said capable of doing better work...does not pay attention....but somehow I never failed a grade...College different story...I feel in love with learning
Brooke Mundy Profile
Brooke Mundy answered
Not to boast, but mine usually say that I am doing excellent work, I have all A's, I am a good listener.

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