Math, as seen by many school aged children and even some adults, is considered boring and useless. There are many areas in life where math can help you, I found out the hard way and figured out that it was the simple stuff I had gotten stuck on and once that was in place, everything else came into view. You can see examples of math in use daily with all aspects of building, finance industry, all areas of management, clerical and other customer facing jobs. Even if all calculations are done for you wherever you go, you still have to balance a budget, save money, pay bills, no one is exempt from these tasks.
It’s common to hear children say things like "I’m going to be the ‘big boss’ like my Dad, I don’t need math.” I’d suggest showing that child every example of where math was required to complete a task or project first at home and then if desired, in work decisions. When mom planted that garden, there was math involved or when dad submitted that bid for a contract, math again was heavily involved. Any way you look at it we use math daily.
Those in impoverished situations can generally trace the causes back to choices they made. Choosing to lease the newest car every year despite your company’s shaky situation in the current market and then being shocked and dismayed when you got laid off, losing your car in the process. ‘Doing the math’ consistently and effectively in regards to your finances is crucial to your daily life. Those who know this go farther, faster.
Knowing math and how to use it in daily life will by no means protect you from all possible pitfalls but it does go a long way in minimizing them.