
What Is The Difference Between A Histogram And A Frequency Polygon?


5 Answers

Samantha Mitchell Profile
One is more like a line graph and the other is a rectangular graphing system.

  • Histogram
A histogram is a graph in statistics that visually shows a bunch of data. It often provides a probability distribution. It is based on a continuous variable and was introduced by Karl Pearson. The graph has "tabular" frequencies that are often depicted in small rectangles set up at certain intervals. The area of the histogram is based on the number of pieces of data that have been used to create it.

  • Frequency Polygon
A frequency polygon is a frequency table such as a line graph. To make this graph all you need are a few points plotted on the graph and then to join the points by straight lines. The midpoints are often the ones that are graphed.

  • The difference
There is a huge difference between the two types of graphs. A histogram has many points that are represented by the rectangles. The rectangles are formed by finding the x and y axis points. The top of the rectangle is the x axis. There are many of these little rectangles on the histogram and most of them are color coded to show the different data points.

The Frequency Polygon is just three or four points. For example the 3, 8, 13, and 18 may be graphed, so the line begins at three and goes up to the first point then over to the 8 and on until it reaches the fourth point. At the fourth point the line returns back to the y axis.

You might want to check out Google Images to get a picture of both types of graphs so that you can see how different they look, now that you have a description of the two terms.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Important differences between a histogram and a

polygon is that the frequency polygon :

Begins and ends with a frequency of zero
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In a histogram, the vertical (up and down) dimension displays:

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