
Example Of A Result And Conclusion, For Science Fair. I Don't Get It. Can You Help Please.?


12 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The meaning of a conclusion in a science fair project is what happened.  IT is basically summarizing your results in a couple of lines.  Hope this helps.
Oddman Profile
Oddman answered
Experiment: Drop an egg from 1/2 inch. Result: The egg cracks, but doesn't break.
Experiment: Drop an egg from 1 inch. Result: The egg is severely cracked, but doesn't spill its contents.
Experiment: Drop an egg from 2 inches. Result: The egg breaks and spills its contents.
Note: The surface was a wood-backed plastic laminate countertop at room temperature and pressure and local gravity. Eggs were all Grade A medium of xxx brand.

Conclusion: Dropping an egg from 2 inches or more will cause it to break and spill its contents. The egg may not spill its contents if dropped from 1 inch or less.

The conclusion in this case is a general statement about the way we expect the world to work based on the data (results) we have observed in our experiments. It is an opinion (based on the data we have) and may involve interpolation or extrapolation from the data.

(Disclaimer: The above data was made up, and should not be relied upon for any purpose. No such experiment was actually performed by the author.)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Of what I learned its petty much just asking like the ending what happened at the end of your experiment.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Conclusion means a final ending part to an essay that you already written
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The dud that looks like indian jones is like so wrong taking other people stuff like that
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Thank you indiana jones need to shut up you are no help we can tell you got no  life

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