
The Sum Of 3 Consecutive Odd Numbers Is 99; What Are The Numbers?


2 Answers

amber Jhon Profile
amber Jhon answered
Let the three consecutive numbers are x, x+1 and x+2. According to given conditions;

First number + Second number + Third number = 99

x + (x+1) + (x + 2) = 99

x + x + 1 + x + 2 = 99

3x + 3 = 99

3x = 99-3

3x= 96

x= 32

First number = x= 32

Second number= x + 1= 32 + 1 = 33

Third number = x + 2= 32 + 2= 34
Jack TheJaxter Profile
Jack TheJaxter answered
My Physics teacher taught me many things, but the most valuable was the acronym RTFQ, which loosely translated means "Read The F***ing Question".  In fact, the first formula in Anonymous's answer is wrong, because he didn't follow the RTFQ principle.All of the numbers are ODD.  So the equation becomes X + (X + 2) + (X + 4) = 99.  That means 3X + 6 = 99, or 3X = 93.  So, X = 31, the next is 33, and the next is 35.

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