
What Is The Perimeter Of A Right Triangle With Side Of 9 And 12?


2 Answers

amber Jhon Profile
amber Jhon answered
According to the Pythagoras theorem the square of hypotenuse is equal to the sum of squares of base and perpendicular.

Hypotenues2 = base2 + perpendicular2

H2 = B2 + P2


Base = 9

Perpendicular = 12

Then hypotenuse is ;

H2 = 92 + 122

H2 = 81 + 144

H2 = 225

H = 15

The perimeter of a right angle triangle is equal to the sum of measure of hypotenuse, perpendicular and base.

Perimeter of right angle triangle= hypotenuse + base + perpendicular

Perimeter of right angle triangle= 15 + 9 + 12

Perimeter of right angle triangle= 36

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