Open Microsoft Office and click File, and New Document. Start out the letter with a warm salutation to the manager of your department. You should be aware of your company policy as not all firms allow employees to take sick leave. If this option is available to you you should clearly state early on in the letter how your injury or sickness occurred and it is highly recommended that you include a letter from your doctor that gives a professional opinion on your condition.
You should next estimate a date for your return, and if there is a possibility you can do any of your duties from home as a telecommuter, you should state so in your letter. After your letter is sent you should keep in close touch with the management team of your company to let them know how you are progressing, and if there is a possibility that you may return earlier than your original estimate.
Once you have finished your letter in Microsoft Word, either attach it to your email to the company or print it off and mail it along with your doctor's note. In today's tough economic climate, you want to work as hard as you possibly can to keep your job if an unfortunate incident or illness occurs. A sick leave letter done professionally may be just what you need to keep your job.