To Communicate Effectively In English Which Aspect Is Most Important LISTENING Or SPEAKING Or READING Or WRITING? And Why?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
To communicate effectively in English, listening, speaking, reading and writing have all equal importance. Irrespective of the language, all these capabilities are important to communicate effectively. In order to speak to or give response to someone, one needs to know the nature of the dialogue which requires one to have a good listening capability of the language. Similarly, in order to have a good expression on the notepad one needs to have good reading skills. These capabilities are definitely interlinked with each other. But also they have their own importance.
Denise Uy Profile
Denise Uy answered
Speaking because by speaking you are able to learn to communicate naturally and it's not boring.

And when you talk the words coming out of your mouth are also being registered in your head and that helps you memorize the words.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I have been learning english for 2 years and I can say that most important aspect is listening I mean of course every aspect  has each own importance but by listening you can communicate with people easily and also understand english.

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