
Who Were The People Who Contributed To Statistics?


2 Answers

Connor Sephton Profile
Connor Sephton answered
Those who have contributed to the field of statistics can be regarded as mathematicians, obviously because they work with numbers and try to solve problems using mathematical equations. However, they can also be classed as scientists, as they make observations, and conduct experiments.

  • Pierre de Fermat
One of the earliest contributors to the field of statistics was Pierre de Fermat, a French lawyer of the 17th century. He is well known for his work on analytic geometry, probability, optics, and especially his Fermat's Last Theorem. Fermat's Last Theorem was later used by influential thinkers such as Isaac Newton, and states that if a, b and c are positive integers, they can never satisfy the equations a^(n )+ b^n= c^n if n is greater than two.

  • Abraham De Moivre
Another notable figure who contributed to the field of statistics was Abraham De Moivre. De Moivre wrote a book, entitled The Doctrine of Probability, which contained information and theories regarding probability theory. He was also responsible for De Moivre's Formula, which claims that for a number, x, and an integer, n,(cos⁡x+i sin⁡〖x 〗 )^n=cos⁡〖(nx)+ i(nx)〗.

  • Roger Cotes
Roger Cotes was also an influential figure in the arena of statistics. He is widely known for his close work and relationship with Isaac Newton and developed the Newton-Cotes Formulae. The Newton-Cotes Formulae, or Rules, are useful for numerical integration, based on the evaluation of the intergrand at equally spaced points.

A further figure known for his work in the field of statistics is Revered Thomas Bayes. Reverend Bayes developed Bayes' Theorem of probability, which allows users to determine inverse probabilities. For example, if you know the probability of A given B, what is the probability of B given A?

However, all these contributors lived in the 17th and 18th centuries. Other, more modern contributors include Carl Pearson, Jerzy Neyman, R.A Fisher and W. Deming.

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