Numbers which are only divisible by odd numbers like 1 9, 25, 49, 81, 121, 169, 225 and so on have a Odd Number Of Factors. Such numbers are called perfect squares.
like these numbers have following factors
9 has 1, 3 and 9
25 has 1, 5 ans 25
49 has 1, 7 and 49
81 has, 1, 3, 27, 9 and 81
121 has 1, 11 and 121 etc.
So only the perfect squares have odd number of factors.
like these numbers have following factors
9 has 1, 3 and 9
25 has 1, 5 ans 25
49 has 1, 7 and 49
81 has, 1, 3, 27, 9 and 81
121 has 1, 11 and 121 etc.
So only the perfect squares have odd number of factors.