How Many Zeros Are There In One Trillion?


116 Answers

Robyn Rothman Profile
Robyn Rothman answered
1,000,000,000,000.  That's three zeroes for a thousand, six for a million, nine for a billion, and twelve for a trillion.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I would have to say 12
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
12 zeros in 1 trillion
Ben Sherwood Profile
Ben Sherwood answered
Just to give a bit more information on why the two numbers are different... The 1,000,000,000,000 (short scale) form is the English translation of the French term échelle courte which refers to a system of numeric names in which every new term is 1,000 times greater than the previous term: "billion" means "a thousand millions" (109), "trillion" means "a thousand billions" (1012), etc.

The 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 (long scale) form is the English translation of the French term échelle longue, which refers to a system of numeric names in which every new term is 1,000,000 times greater than the previous term: "billion" means "a million squared" (1012), "trillion" means "a million to the third power" (1018), and so on.

The difference between the two scales grows as the numbers get larger. The long and short scales are the two different numbering systems that are used around the world. Jnawrocki is correct in saying that the UK used the long scale form of numbering up until recently, when we've started using short scale form instead.

Please note that this doesn't in any way actually alter the values of the number, merely the names that are given to the numbers. 1,000,000,000 is a billion in short scale and a thousand million in long scale, and 1,000,000,000,000 is trillion in short scale and billion in long scale.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It depends what country you are in. If you are in united states then it is 12 zeros.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It depends. A trillion in English-speaking countries, such as the United States: There are twelve zeroes (1,000,000,000,000)
A trillion in other countries: Eighteen zeroes (1,000,000,000,000,000,000)
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I don't see the sense in making the value trillion relative to the country which uses it. It makes a lot of difference if my one trillion dollars had 12 zeroes and a person in another country had money reaching up to 18 zeroes. If this wealth were made up of one-dollar bills and were to be counted one by one, I would only be a trillionaire in the US (12 zeroes), but the other wealthy guy would not be a trillionaire -- following the relative definition of trillion -- but a quintillionaire!
Jasmine Dale Profile
Jasmine Dale answered
|| | ||| || | |
123 456,789,10,11,12
One Trillion = one "1" and twelve "0"
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There should be 12 zeros in a trillion because one million has six:1'000'000. To make it one billion you need one thousand millions, so you multiply by a thousand (add three zeros), to make one billion into a trillion you need a thousand billions, so you add another three zeros, so one trillion looks like this: 1'000'000'000'000. Here is a better one: How many miles are there in one trillion -years light-?
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Here is a hint: The speed of light is: 670'616'629.4 miles per second, so you need to find out how many seconds are there in one trillion years (good luck), and then multiply it by the speed of light
John Nawrocki Profile
John Nawrocki answered
Depends upon your country!
For instance:
United States 1 trillion is 1 followed by 12 zeros

In some other countries 1 trillion is 1 followed by 18 zeros. If you are in the UK I believe that it is one of those countries.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Seriously? I had no idea there was a different standard in expression of numbers. When does it begin to differ -- at a billion?
Oddman commented
In the US, a billion is a thousand million. The named numbers above that are larger by a factor of 1000. A trillion is 1000 billion.

In long scale countries, a billion is a million million. Named numbers are larger by a factor of a million. A trillion is a million billion, which makes it a million million million.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1000 = 3 zero Thousand
10000 = 4 Zero Ten Thousand
100000 = 5 Zero Hundred thousand
1000000 = 6 Zero One Million
10000000 = 7 Zero Ten Million
100000000 = 8 Zero Hundred Million
1000000000 = 9 Zero Thousand million or 1 Billion
1000000000000 =12 Zero Thousand Billion or 1 Trillion
1 Followed by infinite Zeroes is Google ...lolol
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are twelve. For example 1, 0 0 0, 0 0 0, 0 0 0, 0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1,000,000,000,000 therefore there are 4 sets of 3 zeros or 12 zeros in a trillion. I think. Un less you do this: 1.0*10^12 (1.0 times 10 to the 12th power)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
ITS MEAN TRIPPLE MILLION SO ITS MEAN 1000000*1000000*1000000
& IT BECAME 1000000000000000000
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It depends on the country. For instance:  In the U.S. And France a trillion has 12 zeros  Great Britain, Germany and most of the Latin american countries, it has 18 zeros
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
From scientific notation approaches,Trillion could have made sense to be written as
1000,000,000,000,000,000.means 18 zeroes,the million itself has 6 zeroes then times 3 is equal to 18 zeroes.or 6+6+6 zeroes that means tripled millions.

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