
How Many Years Of College Do You Need To Become A Photographer?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
2 possibly 3 years.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Photography course takes 6 months for Diploma and 2 years for degree. I'm a Brisbane wedding photographer and been working in wedding photography field for last 5 years. A good combination of photography knowledge, passion, skill, education experience can take you long way.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Photography course takes 6 months for certification, 2 years for degree. I have been a wedding photographer Brisbane for last 5 years and believe a good skill in photography, passion, skill, knowledge and experience can go a long way in photography.

wilbert u can call me sue Profile
This would depend on the program of the college you wish to attend. Some are just 2 yrs. That is pretty average. But it is the talent that gets you the job and keeps you the job due to demand

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