Divide the 2 by the 3 and multiply by a 100. 2/3 = .667 X 100 = 66.7 or 66.7%
Divide 100 by 3 = 33.333
33.333 X 2 = 66.666%
33.333 X 2 = 66.666%
Well 2/3 is a very common fraction. Basically it's 66%. Actually, its 66.6666666666 (repeating 6's forever) %.
1/3 ~ 33.3333%,
so if you add 1/3 plus 1/3, you get 33.333333%
1/3 ~ 33.3333%,
so if you add 1/3 plus 1/3, you get 33.333333%
20 times 5o is 100 so your answer is 40%
To go from 3rds to 100ths you multiply by 33.33 so do that on top as well
66.66/100 = 66.66%
66.66/100 = 66.66%